Bandi Mbubi, founder of the Congo Calling organization, talks to use about the importance of sourcing minerals for technology from conflict free areas. Much like the fledgeling Fair Trade movement of the 90’s, Conflict Free technology reflects a desire to enable consumers to put pressure on manufacturers to source materials ethically.
More about Congo Calling from their website…
We demand fairtrade food and fairtrade clothes. It is time to demand fairtrade phones.
What has this to do with the Congo? Well, every mobile phone contains the mineral Coltan, which is mined in the Congo. This natural wealth could bring many benefits to the ordinary people of the Congo, but instead it is funding armed conflict and horrific abuses.
Congo Calling’s vision is for a peaceful and just Congo, where people can live in stable and prosperous communities, where children are not enlisted, where women are not raped as an instrument of war, and where miners work for fair wages in human conditions.