Minecraft for families (2 of 3): Introducing Mods, Installing, Downloading

Mods are files, which when added to Minecraft (with the help of Magic Launcher http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/939149-launcher-magic-launcher-117-mods-options-profiles-news/, and Forge 10.0.818 http://files.minecraftforge.net) allow players to fundamentally change the way the base game is played. We recap how best to install these mods to the game, recapping how Forge and Magic Launcher work for those who missed our first … Continue reading Minecraft for families (2 of 3): Introducing Mods, Installing, Downloading

Minecraft for families (1 of 3): Introducing Mods, Skins and Xbox/Mobile/PC Versions

We look at Minecraft, its history, and give a brief overview of the different systems on which it can be played. Touching on the Xbox, Mobile, and Computer versions of the game, we look at their relative merits and how the experience will differ for children between each. Focusing on why the home computer version … Continue reading Minecraft for families (1 of 3): Introducing Mods, Skins and Xbox/Mobile/PC Versions

Xbox One Games Packed with Learning and Creativity

We worked with Xbox to test out the best games for family on Xbox One. From Minecraft to Forza Horizon 3 and Skylanders to FIFA we wanted to see how these games educated as well as entertained our family.

Along with the entertaining and engaging nature of each of these games the family were also challenged to pick-up skills like map reading, navigation, planning and strategy. There was also a lot of creativity required in games like Minecraft and Skylanders — where they had to design their own characters from scratch.

We also enjoyed stretching our memory by going back to play the Xbox 360 games supported on the Xbox One with backwards compatibility. Just pop the Xbox 360 disc in and you are ready to go — if you can remember where to go that is.

Video supported by Xbox including access to games and hardware.