PlayStation Black Friday Family Buying Tips

Video supported by PlayStation including access to games and consoles. This week we look at how to get ready to hunt down the best deals on Black Friday. Whether it’s a new PlayStation, PlayStation Pro or bundle pack here’s what to consider before putting down you hard-earned cash. Along with consoles, we also look at peripherals and PlayStation VR.

PlayStation 500GB
PlayStation 1TB
PlayStation FIFA
PlayStation Fortnite
PlayStation Pro
Dualshock 4 Controller
Official Controllers
PlayStation VR

That’s You PlayStation 4 PlayLink

We get setup to try out the new PlayStation 4 PlayLink game That’s You! The game isn’t played with the Dual Shock 4 controllers like other PlayStation 4 games but you use your phone, tablet or iPod instead.

The game proceeds like a card game but challenges each of you to guess different facts about each other. Sometimes this involves drawing pictures and taking pictures of yourself with your phone.

Video supported by PlayStation including access to the game.

Essential Family Games 2017 (PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, iOS, PC, Android)

Here are our top tips for the best family games this year:

Families are big business for video game makers and each year there are hundreds of games promising to deliver experiences that children will love and parents will happily pay for. However, the real gems are games that get the whole family playing together. These can be harder to find so here’s a comprehensive list of games that will be important to families in 2017.

Knack 2 (PS4)
Sea of Thieves (Xbox One, PC)
Lego Dimensions (PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U)
Arms (Switch)
Lego City Undercover (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch)
Skylanders 2017 (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, Switch)
Gran Turismo Sport (PS4, PSVR)
Spider-Man (PS4)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U, Switch)
Light Seekers (iOS, Android)
Portal Knights (PC)
Fire Emblem Heroes (iOS)
Animal Crossing (iOS)
Alto’s Odyssey (Android iOS)
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (PS4 and PC)
Football Manager Touch
Halo Wars 2 (Xbox One, Windows)
Yooka-Laylee (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC)
Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch)
RiME (Nintendo Switch, Windows PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4)
LEGO Worlds (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

PlayStation 4 Family Features – Game Share, Netflix, Spotify and PlayStation Plus

We have a look at the extended features on the PlayStation 4 and what difference this makes to families. In particular this includes a look at consuming media (Film, Music, TV, Netflix, iPlayer) as well as PlayStation Plus membership and the Share options that provides.

Previously we looked at PlayStation 4 games that worked well for families and tested them with some of the folks we work with:

PlayStation supported this video including access to games and hardware.

Skylanders Crash Bandicoot HD Gameplay, Attacks and Sky-Chi (Wii U, PlayStation & Xbox)

We have a close look at Crash Bandicoot in the new Skylanders Imaginators game. Just announced at the Sony Press Conference this is a nice way to spice up Skylanders Imaginators this year.

In Skylanders Imaginators terminology Crash will become a fully playable Sensei and have his own Skylanders toy. This means he will have his own special Sky-Chi power that sees him use a yo-yo to yank his enemies into a spin attack!

Crash Bandicoot in Skylanders Imaginators
Crash Bandicoot in Skylanders Imaginators
He’ll also have a variety of attacks like his classic ability to jump on TNT Crates to blow them or collect the Bazooka Crate for a rocket launcher. Crash will feature a full move set and upgrade path based around his signature spin attack, as well as callbacks to his beloved past, including moves that incorporate exploding crates with 3-2-1 countdowns, wumpa fruit, jetpack attack from high in the air and more.

Crash will be voiced again by Jess Harnell to underline the authenticity of having Crash in the Skylanders universe.

148 Top Games for 2016 (A-Z) Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC, Mac, iOS, Android

Here’s our huge list of games to watch out for in 2016. These top games include Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC, Mac, iOS, Anbdroid platforms to make sure you know what’s hot for 2016 video-games.

12 Minutes XB1,PS4,WIN,OSX
Abzû PS4,WIN
Adrift XB1,PS4,WIN
Allison Road XB1,PS4,WIN,OSX,Linux
Ark: Survival Evolved XB1,PS4,WIN,OSX,LINUX
Astroneer WIN
Batman: A Telltale Games Series TBA(XB1,PS4,WIN,iOS,Android)
Battleborn XB1,PS4,WIN
Below XB1,WIN
Block’Hood WIN
Bombernauts WIN,OSX,Linux
Call of Duty XB1,PS4,WIN
Check In Knock Out WIN
Cogmind WIN
Courier of the Crypts WIN
Crackdown 3 XB1
Cryptark WIN
Cuphead XB1,WIN
Darkest Dungeon WIN
Dark Souls III XB1,PS4,WIN
Dead Island 2 XB1,PS4,WIN
Dead Realm WIN
Detroit: Become Human PS4
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided XB1,PS4,WIN
Dishonored 2 XB1,PS4,WIN
Disney Infinity 4.0 XB1,PS4,WiiU,iOS,AppleTV,WIN
Divinity: Original Sin 2 WIN
Doom XB1,PS4,WIN
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time PS4,3DS
Drifter PS4,VITA,WIN
Due Process WIN
Dungeon Souls WIN
Duskers WIN
Endless Space 2 WIN
Enemy Starfighter WIN
Ernesto WIN,OSX,iOS,Android
Fable Legends XB1,WIN
Far Cry Primal XB1,PS4,WIN
Final Fantasy XV XB1,PS4
Fire Emblem Fates 3DS
Firewatch PS4,WIN,OSX,Linux
Flamberge WIN
For Honour XB1,PS4,WIN
Fortnite WIN
Gang Beasts WIN
Gears of War 4 XB1
Glitchspace WIN
Halo Wars 2 XB1,WIN
Hellblade PS4,WIN
Hitman XB1,PS4,WIN
Home Free PS4
Homefront: The Revolution XB1,PS4,WIN
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak WIN
Horizon Zero Dawn PS4
Hyper Light Drifter XB1,PS4,WIN,OSX
Hyrule Warriors Legends 3DS
Inside XB1,360,PS4,PS3,WIN,OSX
Krautscape WIN,OSX
LawBreakers WIN
Lego Dimensions Expansions XB1,360,PS4,PS3,WiiU
Lego Marvel’s Avengers XB1,360,PS4,PS3,WIN
Lego Worlds WIN
Lethal Tactics WIN
Mass Effect: Andromeda XB1,PS4,WIN
Matterfall PS4
Metroid Prime: Federation Force 3DS
Miegakure PS4,WIN,OSX,Linux
Mighty No. 9 XB1,PS4,WIIU,3DS,WIN
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst XB1,PS4,WIN
Nier: Automata PS4
Night In The Woods PS4,WIN,OSX,Linux
No Man’s Sky PS4,WIN
Obduction WIN,OSX
Overland WIN,OSX,Linux
Overwatch XB1,PS4,WIN
Oxenfree XB1,PS4,WIN,OSX
Paradise Never WIN,OSX,Linux
Parkitect WIN,OSX,Linux
Persona 5 PS4,PS3
Planet Coaster WIN
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 XB1,PS4,WIN
Pokémon GO iOS,Android
Pokkén Tournament WiiU
Quantum Break XB1
Ratchet & Clank PS4
ReCore XB1
Return of the Obra Dinn WIN
Rime PS4
Rising Thunder WIN
Routine WIN
Salt & Sanctuary PS4,VITA
Skylanders 6 XB1,360,PS4,PS3,WiiU
Speedrunners WIN
Spy Party WIN
Squad WIN
Star Crawlers WIN
Star Fox Zero WiiU
Stellaris WIN
Stephen’s Sausage Roll WIN
Strafe WIN
Street Fighter V PC,PS4
Sub Rosa WIN
Super Blood Hockey WIN
Superhot XB1,WIN,OSX,Linux
Tacoma WIN
Tekken 7 PS4
The Banner Saga 2 XB1,PS4,VITA,WIN,OSX,Linux,iOS,Android
The Climb WIN
The Last Guardian PS4
The Legend of Zelda Wii U WiiU
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD WiiU
The Long Dark WIN
The Tomorrow Children PS4
Treasurenauts 3DS
The Walking Dead: Michonne XB1,PS4,WIN,OSX,iOS,Android
The Witness PS4
This War of Mine: The Little Ones XB1,PS4
Thumper PS4,WIN
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands XB1,PS4,WIN
Tom Clancy’s The Division XB1,PS4,WIN
Tooth & Tail WIN,OSX,Linux
Total War: Warhammer WIN,OSX,Linux
Trackmania Turbo XB1,PS4,WIN
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End PS4
Unravel XB1,PS4,WIN
Vector PS4
Way To The Woods WIN
We Happy Few XB1,WIN,OSX,Linux
What Remains of Edith Finch PS4
Yakuza 6 PS4
Yooka XB1,PS4,WiiU,WIN,OSX,Linux

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – PlayStation DLC, Open World, Modes, Xbox, Wii U

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is coming on June 28th release with exclusive DLC on PlayStation. Lego Star Wars Episode 7. Lego Star Wars Episode VII.

We have a look at the announcement trailer and DLC details along with special modes in the game.

Although it had been leaked on retail sites earlier, the confirmation of a new Lego Star Wars game coming this year was still a welcome surprise for gaming and film fans.

The Force Awakens already has content in the toys-to-life space with Disney Infinity so it seemed unlikely that Warner would be able to include the franchise in its Lego Dimensions offering.

This separate game makes more sense though. Not only is there no toy-game cross-over conflict but it also grants TT Games enough space to go to town on the characters, locations and worlds of Star Wars Episode 7.

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 owners get some exclusive downloadable content for the Droid Character Pack and the Phantom Limb Level Pack. This may well be a timed exclusive like we’ve just seen for Lego Marvel’s Avengers on PlayStation.

It will be interesting to see how the new Lego Star Wars video game relates to the Lego toy lines expected to be fully unveiled in New York. Already the new Lego Mixels, Lego Nexo Knights and Lego Angry Birds — each with a tie-in video-game — have gone down well this year.

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStationm3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, 3DS and PC.