Skylanders Giants and Wonderbook, Augmented Reality Video Games (FGTV 2.25)

As the kids get their Skylanders all leveled up for Skylanders Giants they find themselves surprisingly distracted by Wonderbook the new peripheral for the PlayStation 3 — we had the chance to try out a development build of the game at home. Like the Skylander figures, the book magically appears in the game — here … Continue reading Skylanders Giants and Wonderbook, Augmented Reality Video Games (FGTV 2.25)

Flower PS3 In Cathedral Worship at Greenbelt Festival (FGTV 2.23)

We brought the Exeter Cathedral Playstation 3 enriched service to Greenbelt festival in Cheltenham. The game was played by the congregation throughout the service, as they each contributed to the progress of our journey in the game and as other elements of the worship continued – songs, Eucharist, prayer. You can see in this video … Continue reading Flower PS3 In Cathedral Worship at Greenbelt Festival (FGTV 2.23)